About the Journal

ISSN: 1729-4827
e-ISSN: 2223-7666

Liberabit, is a publication of the Professional School of Psychology of the Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Lima, Peru). It began its activities in 1995 with an annual periodicity, since 2008 it has been published biannually (January-June; July-December) and currently manages the continuous publication.

It is an open access journal. It publishes original articles of empirical, theoretical and applied research in different areas of psychology. The call for papers is permanent, respecting the established editorial characteristics, especially double-blind peer review. The journal publishes articles in English and Spanish. Those interested can review the "Guidelines for Authors" and submit their manuscripts through the OJS platform.

The magazine is currently included in:

  • Subscribed databases: SCI (Scielo Citation Index of Web Of Science), ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), HINARI (Access to Research in Health Programme), EBSCO (Electronic Journals Service, ProQuest (Databases, EBooks and Technology for Research),  PSICODOC (Base de Datos Bibliográfica de Psicología, dirigida por el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid – España) y  CENGAGE Learning (Base de datos de Cengage Learning/Psychology Collection).
  • Open access databases: SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), REDALYC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal), REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), DIALNET (Portal de difusión de la producción científica), PePSIC (O portal de Periódicos Electrónicos de Psicología),  LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LIPECS (Literatura Peruana en Ciencias de la Salud – Perú), PKPIndex,  DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

  • Journal evaluation platformsMIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals) y LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal) y JOURNAL SCHOLAR METRICS (EC3 Research Group: Evaluación de la Ciencia y la Comunicación Científica).
  • Libraries and portals: OEI - Índice de Revistas (Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos), SISBIB (Sistema de Biblioteca de la UNMSM), ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources - ISSN).

II. General rules

2.1. Copyrights

In the event that the manuscript is approved for publication, the authors retain the rights of authorship and assign to the journal the rights of publication, editing, reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication at national and international level in the different databases, repositories and portals.

2.2. Self-archiving policy

The author may share, disseminate and disclose his/her published research through the media (e.g., academic social networks, repositories and portals) available on the web.

During the editorial review process, the journal will deliver to the author the previous versions (post-print) which should NOT be disclosed by any means of dissemination, it is only for personal use and for final approval purposes.

Liberabit, will send to the author the final version of the article (published version) in PDF and HTML to be shared, disseminated and disclosed by the media available on the web.

After publication of the articles, the authors may make other independent or additional agreements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the version of the article published in this journal (publication in books or institutional repositories), provided that it is indicated with the respective reference that the work has been published for the first time in this journal.

2.3. Mandatory Documentation

Authors should attach the complete manuscript (including tables or figures in a single submission and within the same file). In addition, they should send Ficha 01 (Datos personales de los autores) and Ficha 02 (Ética), in order to start the evaluation process.

2.4. Digital preservation

The Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) system is used to create a distributed archiving system among collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

2.5. Periodicity

Liberabit is a continuous publication and issues two biannual issues per year: January-June and July-December.

2.6. Payment for publication of articles

Liberabit, Revista Peruana de Psicología, does NOT apply article processing charges (APC), in any of the accepted formats (original articles, short original articles, theoretical articles and letters to the editor), which includes the reception, initial review, peer review, style correction, layout, publication, DOI assignment and marking of articles.

2.7. Rejection rate

Liberabit's rejection rate is greater than 70% of items per issue.

Vol. 30 nº 2 de 2024 = 90%

Vol. 30 nº 1 de 2024 = 85%

Vol. 29 nº 2 de 2023 = 87%

Vol. 29 nº 1 de 2023 = 85%

Vol. 28 nº 2 de 2022 = 90%

Vol. 28 nº 1 de 2022 = 85%

Vol. 27 nº 2 de 2021 = 88%

Vol. 27 nº 1 de 2021 = 85%

Vol. 26 nº 2 de 2020 = 82%

Vol. 26 nº 1 de 2020 = 80%

2.8. Disclaimer of liability

The Journal does not endorse the opinions expressed by the authors.

2.9. Privacy Statement

Liberabit, will preserve the names and data included in the OJS record. It will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by the journal and will not be available to any media or persons outside the journal.