Social representations study of arterial hypertension according to gender
Gender, arterial hypertension, patients, social representationsAbstract
The objective of this study is to identify, according to gender, the structure of social representations of arterial hypertension presented by hypertensive patients. The design is descriptive-comparative, cross-sectional, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The sample consisted of 200 hypertensive patients/adults (100 men and 100 women), recruited from different health centers in Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Argentina). The instruments used were the Socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire, the Word Associations by Abric, and the Questionnaire about beliefs in arterial hypertension, developed ad hoc. The results show certain playback of gender stereotypes in the anchor of social representations. The men relate more to the biomedical aspects and women to the emotional factors. The emphasis in one of the causes of this problem would raise the risk in each group, of not feeling vulnerable to other factors that also influence in falling sick.
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