Exploration and analysis of the attitude towards statistics in psychology students
Attitud toward statistics, Learning, Realiability, Validity, PsychometryAbstract
This article summarizes the features and results of a study whose objectives were to explore experiences, motivations, difficulties and fears of students with regard to statistics, and understand the meaning of their experiences in Statistics from the point of view of the attitude. The research design was non - experimental and post facto. The data was collected through SATS questionnaire (Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics) by Schau et al. (1995), an instrument to measure attitudes toward statistics through a factorial structure with values of reliability and validity. The factor structure of SATS questionnaire reveals a high correspondence conceptual model which sustains it; consequently it is possible to identify clearly four components and their respective topics: a) cognitive-affective, (b) value, (c) the capacity, and (d) difficulty. The sample consisted of 170 psychology students. The results of the items indicate that students have positive attitudes towards Statistics. They are assessed either in terms of their ability to learn statistics (they are considered cognitive skills), but at the same time, they consider that statistics is a difficult subject. These findings would indicate the need to consider the content of the teaching of statistics, the perception of students and the context in which it is taught. It is important to examine the cognitive and disciplinary mediation and identify the difficult points of teaching to design educational activities to overcome these difficulties.
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