Linguistic and psychometric adaptation of the Academic AttributionalStyle Questionnaire (EAT-A)
causal attributions, school grading scale, high school, measuring instruments, factor analysisAbstract
Background: Students’ attributions of their grades may affect their academic performance. However, lack of evidence supporting the validity and reliability of the instruments measuring attribution is a major concern. Objective: To analyze the factor structure, convergent validity, and reliability of the Academic Attributional Style Questionnaire adapted to Mexican high school students (EAT-A). Method: The sample consisted of 557 Mexico City students of both sexes aged between 15 and 19. Using a confirmatory factor analysis for both success and failure attributions, a 7-factor structure and a 4-factor structure of the EAT-A were tested. The instrument’s convergent validity, internal consistency, and reliability were examined. Results: Only the 7-factor structure showed adequate fit indices: RMSEA = .046; SRMR = .053; CFI = .961; TLI = .952 and χ²/gl = 2.72. In addition, the EAT-A evidenced convergent validity concerning success and reliability motivation. Conclusion: The EAT-A is a quick- and easy-to-administer instrument for measuring students’ attributions of their grades in a reliable and valid manner.
Authorship contribution
AMRH: study design, data collection, statistical analysis, writing, discussion, and review end of the manuscript.
LHG: study design, discussion, and final review of the manuscript.
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