Explanatory Model of Suicidal Risk in University Students of Metropolitan Lima
perceived social support, sense of life, suicidal risk, university studentsResumo
Background: Suicide is a major public health problem. Therefore, it is important to have studies that allow us to better understand this complex phenomenon. Objective: To analyze the joint explanatory capacity of perceived social support and meaning in life on the variability of suicidal risk in university students from Metropolitan Lima. Method: 415 university students participated, 259 women (62.4%) and 156 men (37.6%), aged 18 to 57 years (M = 23.07, SD = 5.46). Results: The structural regression analysis showed adequate fit indices: χ2/gl = 2.531 (< 5), CFI = .942 (≥ .90), TLI = .932 (≥ .90), SRMR = .045 and RMSEA = .061. Likewise, the magnitude of the squared multiple correlation (R2 = .30) shows that this model has an explanatory capacity of approximately 30% of the variance in suicide risk. Conclusion: The evidence shows that perceived social support and meaning in life act as protective factors against suicidal risk in Lima university students.
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