Psychometric Evidence of the Defeat and Entrapment Scales in Peruvian adolescents
defeat, entrapment, psychometric properties, factorial invariance, adolescentsResumo
Background: Defeat and entrapment can be experienced in adolescence through academic performance, peer relationships, or family expectations. The interaction of both creates a potential risk factor for suicidal behavior, which underscores the need for reliable instruments for assessment and prevention. Objective: To analyze the psychometric properties of the defeat and entrapment scales in Peruvian adolescents. Method: Instrumental and cross-sectional research. A total of 3098 adolescents responded to the scales of defeat, entrapment and suicidal ideation. Statistical analysis was performed using classical test theory and item response theory. Results: Both the defeat and entrapment scales showed a unidimensional structure, adequate reliability, measurement invariance according to sex and evidence of relationship with suicidal ideation. The highest discrimination was observed in item 14 of defeat and item 3 of entrapment, and both scales are more accurate at higher levels of the construct. Conclusion: The defeat and entrapment scales demonstrated adequate psychometric properties for the inference and interpretation of their scores. Therefore, their use is recommended in the adolescent population, whether in research or professional practice.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jonatan Humberto Baños-Chaparro, Paul Ynquillay-Lima, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez
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