Perception of rearing in parents and adolescent children belonging to the same family nucleus
Adolescents, Rearing, Family, Fathers, Mothers.Abstract
The perception of upbringing in parents and adolescent children belonging to the same family nucleus was investigated to detect the similarities and differences in their perspectives concerning family socialization. The sample was non-probabilistic intentional type of 180 participants (60 mothers 60 fathers and 60 children) from Tolucas municipality, Mexico. The Scale of Perception of Rearing developed by Oudhof, Gonzalez Arratia, Rodriguez and Unikel (2008) was applied, which consists of 32 items grouped into three factors: interest in childrens activities, support and guidance. High averages were found in all groups, indicating that both parents and children consider that rearing tasks are carried out frequently. It is concluded that agreement dominates among the family members of this study about the characteristics of socialization process at home.
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