Exploring Parental Structure: Establishing parental norms and limits in children aged 6-9 years
Parental structure, rule establishment, predictability, rationalizationAbstract
Background: Families play a crucial role in children’s socialization, requiring a structured approach from parents to establish rules and norms. Objective: To examine how parents communicate about setting household rules, the consequences of not following them, and the overall significance of regulations in family upbringing. Method: The researchers used a qualitative, phenomenological approach to collect data through focus groups. Participants included ten fathers and 19 mothers of children aged 6 to 9 who participated in the Positive Parenting for Sustainability Program: Agenda 2030. Results: Thematic analysis identified and categorized three ways to establish norms for their children: clarity, rigidity, and flexibility. The absence of rules was to be a common practice. Furthermore, a new category emphasized the challenges parents encounter when establishing structured family environments. Conclusion: Despite these challenges, participating parents strive to organize the family environment through a sense of predictability and rationalization within the family dynamic to support their children’s social, psychological, and academic development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Dolores Palacios Madero, Sandra Soledad Suárez Granda, Elsa Gardenia Conforme Zambrano, Nube del Rocío Arpi Peñaloza, Adriana Marcela Coronel Segovia, José Ignacio Fernández Ortiz, Andrés Mauricio Mora Pineda
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