University Studies Goal Setting in Feminine Scholarship Students of Beca 18 Program
social cognitive career theory, motivation, self-efficacy, social inclusionResumo
Background: Recent studies (Jemini-Gashi et al., 2019; Troy, 2023) found that social support, self-efficacy and agency contribute to the construction of university studies goal setting. These factors are especially relevant in Peru, characterized by inequalities and gaps in access to Higher Education, particularly for women in rural areas. Objective: Based on the Social Cognitive Career Theory, this study seeks to understand the experiences that contributed to the university studies goal setting in young women from rural areas. Method: Four interviews were conducted with young scholarship recipients using a thematic approach and design. Results: Findings indicate that this process involves evaluating the objective of pursuing university studies considering contextual (family expectations, role models, narratives) and individual factors (future expectation, self-efficacy, agency); and evaluate applying to a study center, which includes considering the career and university within the framework of the Beca 18 program. Conclusion: The goal of pursuing a university degree involves a series of internal challenges that must align with what the context offers and demands, while also seeking to improve their quality of life. The study poses challenges for educational support programs to reduce context gaps.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gonzalo Eduardo Rivera Talavera, Marjhori Xiomi Gómez Matos, Ivone Fiorela Gamboa Sánchez, Koshova Qhaswa Molero Javier, Rosalía Magdalena Garrido Paredes, Diego Alejandro La Rosa Ferreyra
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