Factor Structure of Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Is Different Across Sex in Adolescence
beliefs about oneself's skills, management of positive and negative affects, invariance across sex and across age, McDonald's omega, Spanish-American secondary-education studentsResumo
Background: Emotion regulation is a higher order process explaining several psychopathology presentations; on the other hand, self-efficacy facilitates emotion regulation because the results a person expects based on their regulation processes depend on their assessments about their performance using strategies for emotion regulation. Objective: The Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale was culturally adapted to adolescents from Mexico, and its psychometric features were explored. Method: In group sessions, 652 adolescents between 12 and 17 years old (56.5% female) answered to the scale and instruments measuring psychopathology, mindfulness, subjective happiness, and beliefs about the malleable nature of emotion. Results: A model comprising one first-order factor and one second-order factor grouping two factors showed the best fit to data in female adolescents; regarding male adolescents, a structure of two factors fit better to data. Conclusion: Evidence of construct validity was found for the Mexican version of the scale aimed at the adolescent population.
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