Predominant defense styles in relation to abnormal/paranormal experiences
Defensive styles, mature factor, neurotic factor, immature factor, paranormal experiencesAbstract
The concept of defense mechanisms has its origins in psychoanalytic theory, which focuses more on the defenses´ process than on the objective of defenses. The present study examined the differences between individuals who have abnormal/paranormal experiences – and three defensive styles (mature, neurotic, and immature factor), and those who have not had such experiences. College students (60 % women and 40 % men, mean age = 33.87 years old) received the Defense Styles Questionnaire (DSQ-40) and ten questions that explore several abnormal and paranormal experiences. People reported a high frequency of experiences, such as deja-vu, dreams of extra sensory perception (ESP), telepathy and memories of past lives. The results also showed a higher level of paranormal experiences and mature defenses, as well as, neurotic defenses, compared to individuals without the experience. Although, the nature of the study is exploratory, the author suggests that some of these experiences attributed to paranormal causes, appear to serve asa mechanism of protection to potential traumatic events, improve subjective well-being of the individual or - at least - prevent or reduce the disruptive consequences of negative life events. Therefore, paranormal experiences could correspond to nonpathological traits that produce changes in psychological ‘homeostasis’.
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