Psychosocial factors associated with engagement in employeesat restaurant in Morelos, Mexico
Engagement, psychosocial factors, Mexico, restaurantAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between labor engagement, sociodemographic aspects, and some psychosocial work factors among employees at restaurant in Morelos, Mexico. Using the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI), and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) in a sample by 88 employees, the results of multiple regression models show that of the sociodemographic aspects, the only variable that had an association was the sex; women appeared to be less dedicated than men; while job insecurity, over involvement, controlling supervision, work hours, and reward had differential associations with the different components of engagement with variances explained between 15 % and 34 %. It is concluded that the surveillance and control of these psychosocial factors could boost levels of engagement with multiple benefits to the employees and the organization.
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